Sunday, 6 November 2011

Celebrating Guy Fawkes!!!!

Celebrating Guy Fawkes is part of what our family really love to do. Well it's mainly my Dad and I that can stand the loud noises so the rest of our family stay inside and watch from the window at a safe distance.
The origins of Guy Fawkes stem from events that took place in 1605 when a group of 12 men attempted to blow up Britain's House of Parliament. This event was to become known as the Gunpowder Plot and a man named Guy Fawkes was behind it.The Gunpowder Plot conspirators thought violent action was needed to end the persecution of the English Catholics. They intended to kill the King and others who were responsible for the persecution by blowing up the Houses of Parliament.However as the plan was developing some of the conspirators involved began to have doubts and one sent a letter of warning out. The letter reached the King which led to authorities storming the House of Parliament in the early hours of November 5.It was here that Guy Fawkes was caught with 36 barrels of gunpowder. He was sent to trial and to show that treason would not be tolerated he was sentenced to death by the most horrible form of execution - he was to be hung, drawn and quartered.On November 5 Londoners were encouraged to light bonfires to celebrate the King's escape from assassination. The tradition was continued to emphasise the seriousness of treason.The tradition still continues to this day and bonfires are lit on the same night each year and an effigy of Fawkes is often burnt. People all over the world buy fireworks and watch the pretty explosions in the air. My Dad and I buy a big boom box and light about 2 thirds of the box with our neighbour and we have being doing this since I can remember. The one third left we light up at our batch with our extended family on New Years Day. Anyone can celebrate this awesome night and even if it's just for fun you're sure you are going to get something good out of it every single time.


  1. Hi tiara i like how you and your dad like doing firewwirks together it must be fun :) lots of cool information :) eden

  2. Hey tiara, ka pai :)
    I like how you seem to know a lot about Guy Fawkes, and I can tell that you love celebrating it as well. Hope you had fun doing it too this year:)
    Nice work
